Feb 10, 2005 Volume 2 No. 3

Commit to Love

Commit to Love-  Unconditionally, lavishly and fearlessly !!

Enjoy the newsletter and have a Blessed Two Weeks!!

Cathy Morenzie

“Knowledge is gained by learning; trust by doubt; skill by practice; and love by love.”

~ Thomas Szasz

So many thoughts have been shared on love yet one never comes to a single definition of it because love is so much more than a word or a feeling – it is an experience. Throughout the ages it has been misinterpreted, misunderstood, abused, mistreated, neglected and in some cases rejected yet it stands firm as one of the unchanging and indestructible forces of life.

It cannot be destroyed because the very foundations of the world were built on it. We cannot help but desire its presence because we were created for it. We are powerless against it because we were fashioned by it and we continually seek it because we find completion in it. A thousand words cannot give justice to the depth and mystery of love – it can only truly be savoured by the experience of it. So endeavour to love and let yourself  be loved for there is no greater experience on earth. Walk in the knowledge that you are deserving of love and that every ounce of you was moulded by a Creator who is the very embodiment of everlasting and unconditional LOVE.

~Nadia C. Thomas



The Heart of the Matter

We often refer to our hearts as the place where we feel love. We give our heart to someone and say we love them with our whole heart. What better time than this to talk about heart health !  Take some time this Valentines month to reflect on how you can better love and cherish your most valuable asset- your heart !

Here are just a few tips to make sure that your heart beats in top form.

Maintain a Healthy Weight

Do you know if you are at a healthy weight. Visit the active image website at http://www.activeimage.ca/body.html  to see if you are in a healthy weight range by using the  BMI calculator. People who are overweight or obese are at risk of developing high blood pressure, high blood lipids and diabetes - all of which put them at high risk of cardiovascular or heart disease. Regular exercise and balanced meals will help to maintain a healthy weight for you.

Keep Your Cholesterol Levels in Check

Cholesterol is a soft waxy substance manufactured in the body. It is a vital chemical building block that the body uses to make cell membranes and hormones. Without cholesterol, the body couldn’t function. Too much cholesterol in the blood can settle on the inside of the blood vessels and cause fatty deposits called plaque which clog the blood vessels so that blood can’t flow properly. When this happens, chances of a heart attack or stroke are increased.

For better health:

  • Know your actual cholesterol levels (HDL, LDL, triglycerides); and discuss with your doctor where your levels should be;
  • Eat white meat or lean cuts of red meat;
  • Remove skin and fat from chicken;
  • Increase servings of fresh fruit, vegetables and grains (increase fibre); 
  • Plan to increase your physical activity.
  • Reduce the amount of fat in your diet from all sources;
  • Reduce the amount of sweet baked goods, chocolate, and other high-sugar foods

Smoking is a dangerous health hazard. It is the single most important cause of preventable illness and premature death for Canadians. Quitting smoking isn’t easy but it can make a world of difference.

Blood Pressure
Your blood pressure is the measure of the pressure or force of circulating blood against the walls of your blood vessels. An acceptable measure is below 140/90 .Get to know the risk factors and have your blood pressure checked regularly if you are at a higher risk.  Please visit http://ww2.heartandstroke.ca/hs_risk.asp to review the risk factors.

Physical activity
Regular aerobic physical activity is a great asset to keeping your heart healthy and leading a healthy lifestyle. Just strive for 30 minutes a day at least 3 times per week to improve your heart health. Call us at Active Image for a program that will work best for your needs.

Most of this information was gathered for the Heart and Stroke foundation website at www.heartandstroke.ca


What better way to show love than by encouraging someone else to live a healthier life.

Research shows that enlisting "work-out buddies" or a similar type of support system in your workout or lifestyle improvement program can increase your success.  This type of support can be critical in getting, and staying, motivated to exercise, eating healthy, or adopting other healthy behaviours.  When people create a support system for themselves, they are much more likely to continue their physical activity.

Here are some of the benefits of having a work-out buddy:

  • Make your workouts more fun
  • Make your workouts safer – your buddy can be your spotter when weight training and can make running at night less worrisome
  • Help each other set goals
  • Keep the workouts interesting as you both bring new ideas to the workouts
  • Encourage each other when one of you may not feel like working out
  • Combat stress as you can talk your problems away while walking or running
  • Plan a business walking meeting and get fitter while walking
  • Less missed workouts with increased accountability

Do you know someone who would make a great work-out buddy. Give them a call. They will be happy you did !!!!

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