From Active Image

OnLineTraining: Client Information

Active Image Online

Congratulations of taking advantage of this special offer. Once you receive your program you can track your progress on-line, regular feedback from your trainer and receive new exercises based on your needs.

To help design a program that best suits your needs, please indicate the following.

Name: Required
Email Address: Required
Fitness Goals:

Sex: Male

Fitness level: Beginner

Do you require:

a home program
a gym program

What exercise equipment
do you have access to:

Any medical limitations:

Please be sure all areas are completed before pressing 'Submit'. Incomplete forms will produce an error and entries will be lost.

Hint: Answers can be typed in a word processing program or notepad first, then pasted into the form.

We will email your email and password with the next 12 to 24 hours.

Please email me at cathy [snail] activeimage [period] ca -> mailto:cathy [snail] activeimage [period] ca or call 416-410-8517 if you have any questions about getting started or about your program. (Click to print this page)

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Page last modified on January 22, 2013, at 08:58 AM